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SRA Pricing Transparency Statement

The SRA requires us to publish information on costs in specified areas. The area of work in which we provide services in that falls into the scope of this regulation is motoring offences.

Costing a case will depend upon multiple factors such as the nature of the allegation, amount of evidence to consider, number of days at court, and the seniority of the solicitor.

Detailed below are our rates:

Person Conducting Work

Fees per hour

Person Conducting Work

Fees per hour

A: Director or Senior Solicitor or Senior ILEX (over 8 years qualification)


Other – e.g. Manager/Legal Secretary


B: Solicitor or ILEX (over 4 years qualification)


Travel and Waiting

(All Personnel)


C: Solicitor or ILEX (other)


D: Trainee Solicitor or Caseworker



As incurred

Mileage (per mile)


N.B. Outgoing Letters & Emails plus outgoing or incoming Telephone calls etc are charged at 1/10th of the applicable hourly rate. Incoming Letters & Emails are charged at 1/20th of the applicable hourly rate. However, if especially lengthy or detailed preparation is required then time charges will apply.

As a typical example, dealing with a guilty plea and same day sentence at Manchester Magistrates court for a drink driving matter we might expect to spend around 2 hours preparing your case (taking your initial instructions, considering papers, case law and sentencing guidelines, preparing submissions) 2 hours at court (including advocacy, attending upon the client, the CPS, and probation), 6 letters/telephone calls to CPS, Court, Client etc, and 1 hour travel to and from Court.

Costs will vary depending upon the circumstances of the case. We can also offer fixed fees which will be based upon the amount of work we expect will be needed on a case by Case basis. Please contact us if you would like us to provide an individualised quote.